Learn the Body Centered Method

to use your awakened inner wisdom

for healing yourself and others.


Body Centered Method Facilitator Program

Fundamentals of

Body Centered Medicine®

Somatic and Embodiment Healing Techniques Workshop

Learn how to facilitate to resolve issues such as: 

  • reoccurring pain and anxiety 
  • how to become more body centered and embodied
  • resolving trauma
  • feeling stuck and trapped in life 

By using the Body Centered Method techniques and processes you learn:

  • deepen your trust to your inner knowing and guidance to heal others
  • how to facilitate releasing trauma, finding the answers in the body
  • understand the theory behind the messages of the body
  • live through your true divine wisdom self
  • integrate the BCM into your line of work or calling

The answers everyone’s "pain" lies within the body.

It could be physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

BCM works on all 4 levels to facilitated healing and well being.

You will learn how to facilitate on all these levels.

 To find these answers I invite you to join

Body Centered Method Facilitator Training

This virtual workshop combines body-mind practices with in-depth

psychology and neuro-physical techniques to help you

deepen your relationship with your inner wisdom self,

to build your confidence in trusting your inner knowing and

learn how to facilitate and integrate BCM into your work and life



Module 1: April / May / June

Module 2: Retreat - August

Module 3: Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec

Times: 4 hours each day (1:30-5:30 PST)

For More or to reserve a space please email Support@TarnieFulloon.com

Body Centered Method Facilitator Training VALUE: $9,997.00

Investment: $5,997.00

Early Bird Pricing: $5,497.00 (savings of $500)


Click the button below, choose your payment plan and reserve your seat today!

YES! Sign Me Up !

If you are interested in joining this facilitator training and have questions - please CLICK HERE to send an email for a time to talk to Tarnie about the year long facilitator training.

Who Can Benefit from BCM Year 2 Facilitator Training?

Whether you're a healthcare provider, healer, coach,

or you're on your own personal healing and consciousness journey,

it is crucial to understand body-based therapies

as part of your repertoire of healing methods

Body Centered Method (BCM) is a somatic embodiment system that uses

the wisdom housed in the body to be revealed.

It calms the nervous system, “change” the neural pathways and

invites healing at a core level.

Healing begins with your body dialogue.

Body Centered Method is a DEEP DIVE into the information

your body holds at a cellular level. 

Would you like to know how to facilitate this with others,

not just yourself, or to deepen your practice? 

Workshop Overview

Using the techniques and practices of Body Centered Method (BCM) somatically based processes you will learn how to facilitate and use the processes and techniques for you own life, to integrate into your work you do with clients, in relationships and all areas of your life.

Through utilizing the 8 Steps of the BCM you will learn how to use breathwork, movement, meditation, dialogue, writing exercises, and facilitate individual and group practices.

With the intention of teaching you how to hold a place of embodiment (to your inner wisdom) empathy, and safe place for another to explore and resolve their pain, anxiety and fear-based thinking.

The Facilitator Training consists of:


  • Seven (7) private session with Tarnie (Value: $2,625)
  • One group POD (6-8 people max) per month from April – Dec 2022 (Value: $2,497)
  • Course membership area (Value: $1,080)
  • Pre- recorded movement class each month (Value: $91)
  • Accountability with a Buddy with weekly exercise to practice (Value: $425)
  • Downloadable Take-aways’ (Value: $279)
  • Q&A get together once a month (Value: $379)
  • Unlimited email access to Tarnie + 10 min phone calls as needed (Value: $1,200)
  • BCM Leadership Support (Value $1,800)

(Value: $9,997.00)

Body Centered Method Facilitator Training Results:


  • Teach one-one BCM processes
  • Lead and teach BCM processes (individual and group)
  • Skills to implement the BCM meditation, movement and presentation
  • Deeper somatic and embodiment awareness, skills and processes
  • Practice with other participants and with own clients
  • How to track your progress
  • Body Centered Method Facilitator Certification


You can use this process in your own individual healing journey, or in the therapeutic environment.  The tools you will learn through BCM are relevant in all areas of life.

This 4-week evening workshop encompasses:

Understand the benefits of a body-mind approach to health and healing

How to unravel the root cause of the suffering of pain, anxiety, or other body issues

Experience somatic body based therapy techniques

Learning techniques to overcome emotional and stress behaviors

How to unwind the stuck places in your life

Introduce, explore and experience body-mind tools

The theory behind Body Centered Medicine®

Why is it important for practitioners, allied health, healers, those in leadership roles to know understand body based therapy

This Virtual Training Encompasses:

Fundamentals of Body Centered Method

Facilitating a minimum of two techniques or processes from each of the year 1 modules.

Dates: April/May/June

What you receive:

  • The Foundation of Listening to the Body – fluidity and space
  • Anchoring in the safe place for the body and mind psyche
  • Understanding the Pain Body and how to access the core pain / trauma
  • Meeting Resistance and how to unwind and include it
  • Working with limiting beliefs and the Self Forgiveness process
  • The 3 C’s: courage, curiosity, commitment – getting unstuck
  • How to listen to your own body as you listen, support, guide another
  • Deepening your connection to the Divine and receiving the support
  • Grounding and owning your empowered voice
  • How to become a Body Centered Method Facilitator

Body Centered Method Training Retreat

Dates: TBD

What you receive:

  • 31/2 Day Retreat
  • This is where you will facilitate live to the group
  • Encompassing deeper exploration of the healing power Body Centered Method practices including movement techniques in a live group setting
  • Quietening the nervous system – including the importance of stillness, meditation, surrender and rest
  • In depth exploration of the what needs attending to deeper within the body psyche
  • Building resilience by inhabiting and trusting your own inner power and resources
  • Learn techniques on how to attune and support well being and healing through facilitating, implementing and guiding others using somatic BCM practices, tools and techniques
  • The wonder and joy of community coming together to share, to explore, and to heal and to support each other

Note: BCM Year 1 will attend so you will have the opportunity to facilitate them. 

Implementing Body Centered Method Facilitator Training

Dates: Sept/Oct/Nov/Dec

What you receive:

  • Breaking the Cycles – addiction, limiting beliefs, behavioral patterns
  • The Soul of your Center – Deeping Trust in Spiritual body
  • More about “the Selves” and healing trauma
  • Practicing the 8 Steps of BCM with clients and Buddies
  • Being the Leader – taking ownership

Body Centered Method Facilitator Training VALUE: $9,997.00

Investment: $5,997.00

Early Bird Pricing: $5,497.00 (savings of $500)

available until 4/15/22


Payment plans available - Click the button below and reserve your seat today!

YES! Sign Me Up !

If you are interested in joining this facilitator training and have questions - please CLICK HERE to send an email for a time to talk to Tarnie about the facilitator training.


Those who have experienced Body Centered Method have had profound results. Tarnie brings together cutting edge body-mind medicine to teach you tools and techniques to use on yourself and on clients. This work brings the connection between the more dominant selves and the under acknowledged or repressed selves, which are often the root cause of pain, anxiety and suffering. You will learn the relationship between your pain, your anxiety, your gut and your inner intelligence.

Want to know more about Body Centered Method Practices? - Click Here

"Working with Tarnie is not a luxury, it is something I cannot do without. At 10 years of age my light went out and Tarnie literally lit me back up – at 40! She woke me up! Tarnie is gentle and kind, soft and loving, and as she nudged me along my path, she held firmly for me and didn’t let me wiggle out of things, she kept me on track, and I got results. 
Tarnie you bring goodness and light to everyone you touch".  ~ KJC – California
  • Who should attend?

    Individuals, Therapists, Doctors, Health Care workers, those in the Healing Arts, and those on a consciousness path, who are ready to learn more about somatic healing techniques and the importance of embodiment.

  • How will I benefit as a health care practitioner / therapist / coach?

    You will acquire basic tools for creating a supportive exploratory environment for working with the body to enhance awareness of psychological issues in the therapy office setting.

    • You will acquire in depth tools and techniques to use in supporting your clients/patients full recovery, healing and transformation. 
    • You will learn how to attune to your client’s inner body to support them in building their own resilience, trust and attune and ground in their own needs. You will take away a proficiency of body centering techniques to be used in healing and life coaching.
    • You will experience your own healing through experiential practices using different forms of somatic tools including movement to gain a new pathway of being in your body.
    • You will practice tools for creating a supportive exploratory environment for working with the body to enhance awareness of psychological issues in the therapy/office setting.

  • How will I benefit as an individual?

    There is a knowing that to take care of others you need to take care of yourself first. This work’s deepest level of focus is about learning how to take care, listen and trust your deeper knowing so you can lead, guide, heal yourself at the highest possible level. When you become more conscious and aware of who you are, and you fully embrace all of yourself, you are able to give yourself and others the support needed.

  • I am interested in healing my own personal issues, will that be addressed?

    Yes, the focus of the introductory workshop is on healing your own issues first. No matter what your profession or who you are or what you do, if you are ready to transform an issue, this is an ideal workshop for you to attend. 

  • Will there be a lot of physical activity?

    There will be movement, and at times, vigorous, as part of the somatic embodiment exploration and process as that is one of the Body Centered Medicine® tools.  At all times you are required to take total dominion over your own body and not to exert yourself beyond your ability. You will be guided and reminded of this. Much of the work though, is gentle and meditative type movement.

Tarnie Fulloon

Tarnie Fulloon Israelsson PT MA

BASc in Physiotherapy (Sydney University), MA in Applied Psychology (University of Santa Monica), Teaching Certification in Somatic Movement Expression

Body Centered Method therapist and facilitator Tarnie Fulloon is the founder of Body Centered Method, a somatic healing practice that uncovers the messages held in the body, which have roots in what we think, how we feel and who we are. Tarnie’s expertise lies in exploring the inner landscape for answers to body pain, symptoms, anxieties, and “stuck” places one feels in life. She is a healer, mentor, facilitator, speaker (Tedx Presenter) and budding author. She is an Australian trained Sports Medicine Physiotherapist who worked with athletes at the 2000 Australian Olympics.

Tarnie enjoys partnering with those committed to their healing on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually - and to empower them to be grounded in their body and lead from the inside out. 


Tarnie is a Physiotherapy graduate from Sydney University (Australia) and holds her Masters in Psychology from the University of Santa Monica, plus a somatic movement certification in Movement Expression. 

Body Centered Method Facilitator Training VALUE: $9,997.00

Investment: $5,997.00

Early Bird Pricing: $5,497.00 (savings of $500)

available until 4/15/22


Payment plans available - Click the button below and reserve your seat today!

YES! Sign Me Up !

If you are interested in joining this facilitator training and have questions - please CLICK HERE to send an email for a time to talk to Tarnie about the facilitator training.

For More Info Email Support@TarnieFulloon.com

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