Dates: Tuesday's - Oct 6, 13, 20
Times: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm PST
10:00am Australia (Wed am) / 1 am (Wed am) UK
Location: Online via Zoom
First Series
Cost: Free
If this is your first Tuesday Meditation Series with Tarnie, you may register for free.
Returning Participants
Cost: $10/class OR $29.99
If funds are limited please contact the office or 626-296-2002
Once you sign up for the Tuesday Evening Meditation 4 week series - you do not have to re-register again.
You will receive a reminder with link to join each week of the 4-week series.
REPLAY Option: Can't make the class?
Complete registration & payment to receive the replay.
(Replays available to watch for 1 week after the class)
Tuesday meditation class entails the first 30 mins of quietening down, turning inward, and being guided into your body by Tarnie. The focus of this time is to activate a listening within so that you can calm your nervous system, quieten your mind, relax the tension and stress held in your body, and open up to listening to what is unconsciously being held within. It is a very sacred time to turn off, turn inward and be with yourself.
The following 30 mins is left open to those that choose to stay on the call and share with others. This can be a very anchoring, healing and powerful time and it is strongly encouraged to join in and become part of the community. Confidentiality is honored and you are invited to share what is true and comfortable for you.
This class does not involved movement however you are welcome to move in a small gentle fluid way if your body initiates and is in need of movement. It is imperative in this time that the body be comfortable, supported and feel safe.
Those on consciousness path
And for those:
Body Centered Medicine® is rooted in the belief that the body holds valuable knowledge. Through movement, breath, meditation, and focused attention into the inner body the class supports awakening to the sensations and feelings to reveal what is hidden, stuck or needs attention. It supports healing and growth by inviting the participants to find the inner resources within the body to achieve freedom and authentic expression
It is a system that teaches and guides you how to access grounding, healing and connection and accessing all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – through the body's consciousness
Body Centered Medicine® is a somatic and embodiment therapy approach to healing and inner self leadership.