Tarnie Fulloon PT MA

A Body Centered Medicine® Approach to 
Healing & Self-Leadership 

Dates: Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10
Times: Friday 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm (registration at 3:00 pm)
Saturday and Sunday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: A Beautiful Garden Studio, Altadena, California
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Who's This Workshop For?

Body Centered Medicine® is a somatic and embodiment system that evokes a deep healing, and a “change in your operating system” that evolved after years of work on myself and with my clients. 

It is a system that teaches and guides you how to heal at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels through accessing and listening to your body’s consciousness.

Body Centered Medicine® is a DEEP DIVE into the body’s unconscious. 

In this 3 day workshop we will cover

What Body Centered Medicine® encompasses
Understand the benefits of a body-mind approach to health and healing
How to reveal the root cause of the suffering of pain, anxiety, or other body issues
Experience somatic body based therapy techniques
Learning techniques to overcome emotional and stress behaviors
The power and importance of experiential healing 
Introduce, explore and experience body-mind tools
The theory and process of body centered practice
Why is it important for practitioners, allied health, healers, those in leadership roles to know understand body based therapy
Reserve Your Spot Today ~ Space Is Limited

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 Workshop Value: $897 (Your Price $597)
For More Info Email Support@TarnieFulloon.com
Those who have experienced Body Centered Medicine® have had profound results. Tarnie brings together cutting edge body-mind medicine to teach you tools and techniques to use on yourself and on clients. This work brings the connection between the more dominant selves and the under acknowledged or repressed selves, which are often the root cause of pain, anxiety and suffering. You will learn the relationship between your pain, your anxiety, your gut and your inner intelligence.

"Working with Tarnie is not a luxury, it is something I cannot do without. At 10 years of age my light went out and Tarnie literally lit me back up – at 40! She woke me up! Tarnie is gentle and kind, soft and loving, and as she nudged me along my path, she held firmly for me and didn’t let me wiggle out of things, she kept me on track, and I got results. 
Tarnie you bring goodness and light to everyone you touch".  ~ KJC – California
  • How will I benefit as a therapist? What will I receive?

    Through your own experience of the introductory somatic practices you will be learning tools and techniques to assist your clients to become more connected to their internal world. You will learn new ways to assist your clients to heal trauma at a deeper level and assist them in becoming more resilient.

  • What do you mean by being a leader? Do I have to be a CEO?

    Leader means anyone who knows they lead others – a healer, therapist, medical practitioner, volunteer, business owner, in management, an organizer, a mother.

  • How will I benefit?

    There is a knowing that to take care of others you need to take care of yourself first. This work’s deepest level of focus is about learning how to take care, listen and trust your deeper knowing so you can lead, guide, heal yourself at the highest possible level. When you become more conscious and aware of who you are, and you fully embrace all of yourself, you are able to give yourself and others the support needed.

  • I am interested in healing my own personal issues, will that be addressed?

    Yes, the focus of the introductory workshop is on healing your own issues first. No matter what your profession or who you are or what you do, if you are ready to transform an issue, this is an ideal workshop for you to attend. 

  • Will there be a lot of physical activity?

    There will be movement, and at times, vigorous, as part of the somatic embodiment exploration and process as that is one of the Body Centered Medicine® tools.  At all times you are required to take total dominion over your own body and not to exert yourself beyond your ability. You will be guided and reminded of this. Much of the work though, is gentle and meditative type movement.

  • Who is this workshop mainly focused for?

    Those on a healing path who are interested in the somatic (body based) healing and embodiment process.  It is for those who want to be more present, grounded and fully engaged in their life. It is also for those who do healing work for others and encompasses those on a consciousness healing path. 

  • I am from out of town, do you have suggestions for accommodation?

    Yes, if you contact support@tarniefulloon.com we will give you recommendations. Closest accommodation is 10 mins away. 

BASc in Physiotherapy (Sydney University), MA in Applied Psychology (University of Santa Monica), Teaching Certification in Somatic Movement Expression
As a Body Centered Medicine® practitioner Tarnie uncovers the messages the physical body is holding about how you think, what you feel and who you are.

Tarnie’s expertise lies in transforming “pain” at a cellular level and empowering inner self-leadership. She is a mentor, healer, speaker (Tedx Presenter) and budding author. She is also a previous Australian trained Sports Medicine Physiotherapist (Australian Olympics 2000). Tarnie partners with those who are ready to heal on all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
YES! Reserve My Spot Now!
Workshop Value: $897 (Your Price $597)
For More Info Email Support@TarnieFulloon.com
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